Transportation & Parking Services (TAPS) Information

Is there any transportation available to Tallahassee Regional Airport?

There are several transportation options available:

Yellow Cab, $23 flat rate using code T-999

Ride On Commuter Services offers other transportation options.

For more information visit Tallahassee Regional Airport.

What are my options for traveling outside of Tallahassee?

RedCoach: FSU students, faculty, staff, alumni, as well as friends and family of current FSUCard holders can travel to and from Florida State University with stops in Gainesville, Ocala, Orlando, Fort Pierce, West Palm Beach, Fort Lauderdale, and Miami.

What are my late-night transportation options?

Transportation Services offers several nighttime transportation options, including the Seminole Express Night Nole RouteNole Cab through Tallahassee Yellow Cab, and the S.A.F.E. Connection. Please click the names for more information.

Where can I find updates on campus parking?

Reserved parking, special event parking, and important parking announcements are posted to our website, on our official social media sites on Facebook and Twitter, and in some cases, emails may also be sent to the FSU Community.

General Parking

How do I know where to park with a valid permit?

At the entrance to each parking garage and parking lot there are signs posted with lot designations, acceptable permits, and enforcement hours. Spaces have white stripes for student parking ("W" permit) and red stripes for faculty/staff parking ("R"/"RP" permit). To familiarize yourself with parking, visit our campus map.

Where can visitors park on campus?

Where is disabled parking on campus?

At Florida State University we strive to ensure our campus is accessible to all people. Our campus is dotted with hundreds of disabled parking spaces to ensure that persons with disabilities, whether they are temporary or permanent, have easy access to their destination. For locations of Disabled Parking spaces, please see the Disabled Parking Map.

If you are not able to locate a disabled parking space near your destination or they are full, please call the Student Disability Resource Center at (850) 644.9566. They provide accessible van service to take you to and from classes throughout the day.

Where can I park my motorcycle/scooter?

Motorcycles and scooters are required to park in designated parking spots that are solely for two-wheeled vehicles. They may also park in hourly spaces as long as they pay the hourly fee. Click here for more information.

Who can park in the parking garages?

The first floor of every parking garage is available for "R" and "RP" faculty and staff parking permits. The other floors are designated for "W" student permit holders. Be sure to note acceptable permit types, commuter status, overnight parking, and enforcement hours located on signage as you enter each garage.

Garage Clearance Heights

• Call Street: 8"-3" first floor; 7'-0" upper floors
• St. Augustine: 8"-2" first floor; 7'-0" upper floors
• Pensacola: 8"-2" first floor; 7'-2" upper floors
• Spirit Way: 8"-3" first floor; 7'-2" upper floors
• Traditions: 9"-0" first floor; 7'-0" upper floors
• Woodward: 8"-2" first floor; 7'-0" upper floors

What is FSU Tranz?

FSUTranz (https://www.fsu.edu/mobileapps/) shows real-time parking availability information for all 6 garages to make it easier to find a parking space.
Why am I only allowed to park nose-in?
Nose-in parking is enforced in garages to read/ check plates for virtual permits and to avoid common vehicle and traffic hazards. All parking spaces in each parking garage require nose-in parking (cars backed into a garage space will receive a citation). Signage posting this regulation are posted throughout each parking garage.

Back-In hang-tags will be available. Students, faculty, staff, and visitors are eligible to purchase this permit to back-in to spaces on campus. However, the vehicle must have a valid virtual or valid hang-tag parking permit. If the vehicle has another hang-tag in use, the back-in hang-tag is allowed to be displayed on the vehicle's dashboard, but both hang-tags must be visible. Back-in parking is allowed in surface parking lot spaces only, it cannot be used in any campus parking garage or any parking lots or spaces that are angled.

The Back-In permit is $50.00 each year and the cost will be prorated on the 1st of each month throughout the school year.

The Back-In hang-tag is not needed in disabled parking spaces. Vehicles with valid state-issued disabled license plates or placards can back-in any marked disabled space. Students, faculty, and staff must also have a valid campus parking permit or use campus disabled spaces.

What hours is hourly parking enforced?

Hourly parking is enforced Monday through Friday, 24/7.

Who do I call if I am having problems with an hourly-parking space?

Please contact Transportation and Parking Services at (850) 644.5278.

It is finals week. Do parking rules still apply?

Yes, all parking rules remain in effect during finals.

The University is closed / it's semester break. What are the parking rules?

During these times, vehicles must be parked in a legal parking space. Permits are not required for student lots during these times but permit requirements will be enforced when classes are in session. All rules and regulations other than "permit required" are enforced 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Parking Lot Safety Tips


  1. Always lock your car doors.
  2. Do not leave valuables in view inside the car.
  3. Use an anti-theft device such as a steering wheel lock.
  4. Do not store an extra key under the car/fender/etc.
  5. Park where your car can be seen from the street.
  6. At night, park in a well-traveled and well-lit area.

Personal Safety:

  1. Avoid walking alone at night.
  2. Be aware of your surroundings.
  3. Use S.A.F.E Connect (644-SAFE) for a free ride to your car at night.
  4. Walk with friends.
  5. Park in a well-lighted area.
  6. Check your car before getting in.
  7. Note locations of Blue Light Emergency Phones.

FSUPD: Emergency 911 Non-Emergency: 311 (on-campus) 644-1234 (off-campus)

Overnight Parking

Are there limited quantities of Student Virtual Overnight (ON) Permits?

No - there are no limited quantities, as the Student Overnight (ON) Parking Permit is a roaming parking permit, providing access to specific campus lots from midnight to 5:45 AM.

If I buy a Student Virtual Overnight (ON) Permit, am I guaranteed an overnight space?

No - this permit does not guarantee a space but provides access to specific campus lots from midnight to 5:45 AM.

If I purchase a Student Virtual Reserved (VRES) Permit, do I need the Student Overnight (ON) Permit as well to park overnight?

No - the Student Reserved permit includes all the privileges of both the Student Virtual (VW) Permit and Student Overnight (ON) Permit.

What lots are available for Student Virtual Overnight (ON) Permits?

Student Virtual Overnight (ON) Permits allow parking in many campus lots as designated by signage, including Student (VW, white-striped) lots, Employee (VR, red-striped) lots from 4:30 PM - 7:30 AM, and garages.

Is there any free overnight parking for students?

The Student Virtual (VW) Permit provides overnight parking in the Stadium Drive Lot and on the top floor of the Spirit Way Garage

Can I park at another ON lot if I buy a DeGraff permit but the DeGraff lot is full?

Yes, the DeGraff lot includes all the privileges of both the Student Virtual (VW) Permit and Student Overnight (ON) Permit.

If I park using my ON permit, will I have to move for football?

All permits may require vacating for University events or Booster lots on home football game weekends.

Is the Student Virtual Overnight (ON) Permit valid in Employee (VR, red-striped) lots?

Yes - the Student Virtual Overnight (ON) Permit provides access to Employee (VR, red-striped) lots from 4:30 PM - 7:30 AM.

If I buy and use the Student Virtual Overnight (ON) Permit, do I have to move my car at 5:45 AM each morning?

If parked in a designated ON lot, no. If parked in an Employee (VR, red-striped) lot, then you must move by 7:30 AM.

Football, Reserved, and Special Event Parking

Where can I park on campus for football game days?

Click here to view Booster and General open campus parking. Click here for more information about football game day parking.

How can I reserve parking for a special event on campus?

Please visit Department Events for current information on providing guest parking for on-campus events.

Virtual Parking Permits

What are Virtual Parking Permits?

Virtual Parking Permits use your license plate information and a connected database to identify your vehicle rather than a traditional decal or hanging permit. Similar to the traditional parking permit registration, Students, Faculty & Staff information such as home addresses, e-mails, phone numbers, and vehicle information (license plate number, make/model, color, etc.) online at any time.

When are permits required?

At Florida State University, all student, faculty, and staff vehicles parked on campus must be registered for a valid virtual permit from 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday through Friday. Hourly spaces do not require permits, but must be paid from 7:30 AM to 10:00 PM, Monday through Friday.

What does "VW" or "VR" mean?

Virtual "VW" are student permits, valid for white-striped student parking spaces. Virtual "VR" are issued to faculty and staff, valid for red-striped faculty/staff parking spaces.

How do I obtain a virtual permit?

Students Virtual W ("VW"), Faculty/Staff: Virtual R ("VR"), and Emeritus: Virtual E ("VE") permits are available online here.

Permits must be re-ordered every fall semester.

How do I receive a virtual permit using payroll deduction?

You may fill out the Human Resources Forms online wizard or visit our office at 104 North Woodward Avenue located in the FSUCard Center. You will need to bring your FSUCard and EMPLID. These virtual permits are only available to USPS, A&P, and Faculty.

What information is required to register my vehicle?

You will need your vehicle information (color, make, model, year, and license plate), home address, email address, and telephone number.

What happens if I enter my license plate number incorrectly when registering?

Entering your vehicle information correctly is vital to the process. If you enter your vehicle information incorrectly (especially your license plate), you may be subject to enforcement. Initially, Transportation and Parking Services will attempt to notify vehicle owners when their information is found to be incorrect – prior to issuing a formal citation. If the vehicle information is not corrected, a citation may be issued. So, please double-check your information to make sure it is correct.

What if I have a rental or loaner car?

In the same system that is used to register your vehicle, there is an option to add another vehicle. You may add your rental/loaner car to allow you to legally park on campus, and call or email Transportation and Parking Services to remove the car information when you no longer have the rental/loaner vehicle.

I sold my car (or bought a new one). Do I need to do anything?

Yes! If you’ve sold a car that was previously part of your Parking Account or attached to one of your virtual permits, you will need to remove that vehicle from your account. Likewise, any new vehicle that you own and plan on bringing to campus will need to be added to your account and your virtual permit. Click here to log into your parking account with your FSUID and password.

What about visitor permits?

Can I register more than one vehicle to my Virtual Permit?

Yes! Up to five vehicles can be registered to your Virtual Permit at any one time. However, only one of those vehicles is allowed to park on campus at a time. The LPR system will alert enforcement if multiple vehicles that share a permit are seen on campus within a two-hour period. In this case, both vehicles will receive a citation for improper parking.

What if my spouse or child works on campus or attends classes?

While it is possible to register up to five vehicles to one virtual permit, you must ensure that only one of the registered vehicles is on campus at any given time. You must register for separate virtual permits if both you and your spouse or child will be on campus at the same time. The LPR system will alert enforcement if multiple vehicles that share a permit are seen on campus within a two-hour period. If this happens, both vehicles will receive a citation for improper parking.

How frequently are parking lots and garages patrolled?

Each campus parking lot is patrolled on a continuous, variable route. The routes ensure each parking area is patrolled multiple times each day in order to provide consistent enforcement. In addition, traditional parking enforcement (e.g., officers on foot) monitor safety concerns, reserved spaces, disabled spaces, no parking zones, etc.


Why are citations given?

Citations are issued for violation of parking regulations on campus. Citations are most commonly issued for parking in a reserved space without a proper permit, parking without a permit, parking with an expired permit, parking in an "R" space with a "W" permit, parking on lawns, landscapes, or sidewalks, parking in a "No Parking" or non-designated parking area, and parking in a fire lane. For complete parking regulations, click here.

How do I pay a citation?

Current Students, Faculty, and Staff may pay citations online at fees.fsu.edu (all major credit/debit cards and international wires accepted).
If you are not officially affiliated with the University, please visit permits.parking.fsu.edu to pay online.

I want to appeal a citation I received. What do I do?

To appeal a citation, go to the Citations page and click on the Appeal Citation button. Appeals will be determined on a case-by-case basis. The decision will be returned to you within two weeks.

Can I appeal my citation over the phone?

No, appeals are only accepted online, in our office (104 North Woodward Avenue), or via fax/mail as a written request.

I have not heard about my appeal decision yet, and the 30th day when late fees are added is approaching. What should I do?

Late fees are automatically added after 30 days. If you have appealed your citation within 30 days of receiving it, the late fee will be removed once your appeal has been answered.

I received a bill, but I have never been on campus. Is this in error?

If a car is parked on campus without a parking permit, the citation is issued to the vehicle's registered owner. Vehicle information matching the license plate/tag to the owner is acquired from the Department of Motor Vehicles. In many cases, students do not own their vehicles and the citations will be billed to their parents if the student did not have a permit. If you feel this is an error, please contact our office at (850) 644.5278.

I am trying to register for classes, but I have a hold from Transportation and Parking Services. Can I get a hold lifted?

If there is a Transportation and Parking Services related hold on your registration, please contact our office at (850) 644.5278 or send an email to taps@fsu.edu.

Citation Forgiveness

A first citation may be converted to warning upon contacting TAPS (taps@fsu.edu) for the following infractions:
No valid permit (faculty, staff & students) – converted to warning upon ordering of permit
No valid permit (visitors/non affiliates)
Wrong lot (faculty, staff & students) – W in R, R in W
Backed in without hangtag (faculty, staff & students)
Overnight Permit Required (students) 
Commuter Lot Restricted Hours (students)
All other offenses are not eligible for this program but can be appealed through our normal process.

Does Transportation Services issue citations during the first week of class?

Citations are not given for not having student virtual permits in student lots (white-striped) during the first week of class. However, all other Parking and Traffic Regulations are enforced.

Why did my car get towed?

Cars that are abandoned on campus, deemed as a safety hazard by FSU Police or Environmental Health and Safety, or parked in a reserved or undesignated space will be towed. All towing and storage charges will be borne by the vehicle owner. Click here for more information.

Who do I contact if my car is towed?

We can provide you a tow release form in our office, located at 104 North Woodward Avenue. After 5:00 PM, please contact the FSU Police Department at (850) 644.1234.

Seminole Express and StarMetro Bus Service

What are the hours of operation?

Monday - Friday
Fall/Spring 7:00 AM - 8:00 PM
Summer 7:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Night Nole
Monday - Saturday
Fall/Spring 8 PM - 3 AM
Summer No Service
Please Note: Buses DO NOT run when classes are not in session.

Do the buses run on weekends?

The Seminole Express DOES NOT run on the weekends. The Night Nole DOES run on Saturdays from 8 PM to 3 AM (Fall/Spring Semesters). City buses provided by StarMetro operate on a weekend schedule and are accessible to students.

I left/misplaced an item on the bus, who should I contact?

Please contact StarMetro at (850) 891.5200.

How can I access the location of all the buses?

View the Seminole Express and StarMetro routes here: infoweb.talgov.com.

Mobile Apps

What is FSU Tranz?

FSUTranz (https://www.fsu.edu/mobileapps/) shows real-time parking availability information for all 6 garages to make it easier to find a parking space.

FSU License Plate and NolePass

Where can I get an FSU license plate?

Display your pride in Florida State University with the purchase of an FSU license plate. Proceeds from plate sales are applied to the university’s general scholarship fund to support need- and merit-based scholarships for Florida State students. Rebates for first-time buyers, as well as gift certificates and information on purchasing your FSU license plate, is available online at fsu.edu/mytag.

What is a NolePass?

 NolePassNolePasses are gladly accepted on all toll roads and most bridges throughout Florida, Georgia, and North Carolina. Simply put, it’s compatible with E-PASS, SunPass, LeeWay, PeachPass, or QuickPass. Score big and save more by getting the same discounts and benefits exclusive to E-PASS customers!